DetecData - Our Services - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems


Providing useful insights and alarms to help you manage your wastewater network with ease.

DetecData is a cloud based system providing users with access to the following features.

Site visibility

Google Maps and street view is integrated into Detecdata as standard. Site locations are plotted on the maps and photos of the site and installation can be uploaded to give users full visibility of the site and the network as a whole. Users simply click on the location pin to access details about a particular site.


DetecData allows settings to be modified and profiles created for alarms, thresholds, logging rates and transmission frequency. Site alarms can be programmed to automatically forward to multiple devices by SMS or email.

Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll find it in DetecData, and if you want to export the data to manipulate it further, you can do that too.


Intuitive graph navigation lets you explore and navigate through massive volumes of data efficiently and with ease. Multiple sites can be viewed on one graph using drag and drop functionality and options are available to totalise data and compare profiles.

Whatever you’re looking for, you’ll find it in DetecData, and if you want to export the data to manipulate it further, you can do that too.

Key Analysis Features

DetecData gives you the tools for efficient wastewater management. It takes the flow data received from waste water flow and level monitors in and around your network and turns it into actionable information. Here’s a quick rundown of some of useful things you can do with the data:

Inflow and infiltration

Analyse the inflow and infiltration (I&I) rates in your network

Event Duration Monitoring

Use EDM systems to track event, frequency and duration of spills

Flow Analysis

Use flow, level and velocity data to find trends and averages

Rainfall Analysis

Look at daily, monthly, and yearly statistics

Arbeiten Sie mit uns zusammen

Als Entwicker und Hersteller sind wir Spezialisten wenn es um die Inbetriebnahme von Durchflußmessgeräten geht. Wir bei Detectronic bieten ein breites Spectrum an Durchflußmessgeräten und Lösungen für alle Anwendungen. Mit all unseren Produkte und Dienstleistungen können wir so maßgeschneiderte Lösungen finden.
