Flow and level survey for Sewage Treatment Works - Case Studies - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Flow and level survey for Sewage Treatment Works


Detectronic Ltd was commissioned to conduct a
comprehensive flow and level survey at a Sewage
Treatment Works (STW) in the UK, serving a
population of 3000. With flows transferred to the
STW via three end-of-line pumping stations, the
objective was to establish a full understanding of the
flow control interfaces of the main process and the
existing hydraulic performance/response of the site.


An 8-week flow survey was conducted, capturing data
across various dry and wet weather flow conditions.
Data was seamlessly transmitted to a cloud-based data
management platform, enabling real-time review and
analysis. Thirteen monitors were strategically installed
across nine locations within the plant, each tailored
to monitor specific flow types and installation types.


The utilisation of the cloud-based data platform facilitated
timely data review and adjustments, optimising survey
efficiency. Analysis of the collected data provided
insights into the site’s interaction with the local sewer
network, informing the development of hydraulic and
process models. This comprehensive approach not only
enhanced understanding but also laid the foundation
for improving operational efficiency and performance.

Key Outcomes

  1. Enhanced Understanding: The data collected and
    analysed provided a detailed understanding of flow
    dynamics and site interaction with the sewer network.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Insights gleaned from the survey
  3. facilitated the development of hydraulic and process
  4. models, paving the way for efficiency improvements.
  5. Real-time Monitoring: The cloud-based data management
    platform allowed for real-time review and adjustments,
    ensuring accuracy and reliability throughout the survey.


Detectronic’s comprehensive flow and level survey at the
STW exemplifies a proactive approach to optimising sewage
treatment processes. By leveraging advanced monitoring
technologies and data analytics, the project not only provided
valuable insights but also laid the groundwork for ongoing
efficiency improvements. This case study underscores the
importance of proactive monitoring and analysis in enhancing
operational performance within sewage treatment facilities.