News The launch of the Data Science department Data Science – Driving Smarter Decisions Data is at the heart of everything we do here at Detectronic, so we’re really proud to announce the launch of a brand new department dedicated to the pursuit of using that data to […] weiter
News What We’ve Learned About Effective Maintenance In water monitoring, the difference between success and failure often hinges on how well systems are maintained. Over the years, we’ve developed strategies and principles that have kept equipment running efficiently and reliably. Here’s what we’ve learned about building effective […] weiter
News The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Wastewater Flow Seasonal variations significantly affect wastewater flow patterns and the performance of drainage networks. With the UK experiencing a cold snap this week, utilities are tackling challenges such as freezing conditions, heightened infiltration, and fluctuations in domestic water usage. These pressures […] weiter
News Ensuring Accurate Surface Water Modelling for a Major UK Airport When it comes to accurate surface water monitoring for airports, precise data collection is critical for effective water management and regulatory compliance. A major UK airport recently embarked on a 12-month flow survey to enhance the accuracy of their surface […] weiter
EDM Hätte eine bessere Überwachung die jüngste Verschmutzung der Seine verhindern können? Die jüngste Verschmutzung der Seine in Paris hat bei Umweltschützern, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und der Öffentlichkeit große Besorgnis ausgelöst. Dieser Vorfall hat ein kritisches Problem aufgezeigt: die Rolle von Mischwasserüberläufen (CSOs) und Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) beim Schutz von [...] weiter
Blog, Downloads, EDM The Future of Event Duration Monitoring: A Comprehensive Look At Detectronic, we are committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends and providing our clients with cutting-edge solutions. Recently, our Global Future Trends Director, Dave Walker, presented a webinar discussing the future of Event Duration Monitoring. The overwhelming […] weiter
Pressemitteilungen, Recruitment and careers Detectronic appoint Mark Pritchard as Commercial Director Detectronic, a leading provider of wastewater management solutions, has appointed Mark Pritchard as Commercial Director. Mark has spent more than 25 years in roles such as Chief Commercial Officer and EMEA Channel Director establishing and scaling innovative technology businesses across […] weiter
News Warum werden RÜBs überwacht? Regenüberlaufbecken (RÜBs) sind entscheidende Bestandteile von Kanalnetzsystemen, insbesondere in städtischen Gebieten. Deren Überwachung sind für die Aufrechterhaltung der Wasserqualität und die Gewährleistung des Umweltschutzes unerlässlich. In diesem Blogbeitrag werden wir untersuchen, was RÜB-Monitoring ist, [...] weiter
Blog, Water Quality Optimising Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Plant Management with the ORAKEL System Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) plants are integral to wastewater treatment, providing efficient removal of suspended solids and other contaminants. Effective management and optimisation of these plants can significantly enhance performance, reduce operational costs, and improve compliance with regulatory standards. The […] weiter
Blog, EDM EDM Monitoring: Understanding the Importance What is EDM Monitoring? Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) is a critical aspect of managing wastewater systems. EDM monitors, such as those provided by Detectronic, track the duration and frequency of overflow events, which occur when the capacity of a wastewater […] weiter
Blog The Importance of Sewer Level Monitoring Systems In the world of wastewater management, the significance of sewer level monitoring systems cannot be overstated. These systems play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient operation of sewer networks, preventing overflows, mitigating environmental contamination, and ultimately safeguarding public health […] weiter
Recruitment and careers Detectronic Welcomes Rob Button as Our New Service Delivery Director We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to our team, Rob Button, who joins us as Service Delivery Director. With Detectronic winning an increasing number of complex projects, Rob’s appointment comes at a crucial time as we continue to […] weiter
Artikel, EDM What are the expectations for U_INV2 investigations and U_MON 3&4? Under the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP), water companies undertake essential investigations (U_INV) and monitoring (U_MON) to meet environmental legislation and UK government policies. Since its publication in May 2022, WINEP has driven extensive investigations across the UK, particularly […] weiter
Pressemitteilungen Großbritanniens erster batteriebetriebener EDM-Monitor erhält MCERTS-Zertifizierung Der LIDoTT,® ein Multisensor-Überwachungssystem, das vom Abwasserüberwachungsspezialisten Detectronic entworfen und entwickelt wurde, ist der erste batteriebetriebene EDM-Monitor Großbritanniens, der die MCERTS-Zertifizierung erhalten hat. Diese bedeutende Leistung zeigt die Überwachungsleistung des LIDoTT anhand der strengen Standards, die für [...] weiter
News Social Media Vor kurzem sind wir auf ein Social-Media-Konto aufmerksam geworden, das behauptet, einem unserer Mitarbeiter zu gehören. Nach Nachforschungen gehen wir davon aus, dass sich dieses Konto als unser Mitarbeiter ausgibt. Wir haben das Konto umgehend sowohl den sozialen Medien gemeldet als auch [...] weiter