MSFM Ultrasonic Flow Meter - Products - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

MSFM Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Delivering Highly Accurate Flow Measurement

Open Channels | Partially Filled Pipes

Designed to monitor raw sewage, industrial effluent and storm waters, the MSFM s2.5T ultrasonic water flow meter is self-contained and battery-powered. This ATEX insertion multi-sensor flow meter is suitable for applications in combined sewers, open channels and storm sewers.

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Industrial effluent and discharge monitoring, protecting streams and river waters, along with monitoring wastewater treatment processes are just a few of the many reasons for water sampling.

The addition of a temperature sensor is hugely beneficial to users wanting to identify inflow and infiltration.

When tidal water or groundwater infiltrates the sewer water, there will be a change in the water temperature as well as a change to the volume of water in the sewer.

Using the velocity, depth and temperature to determine the flow rate ensures a more accurate reading that doesn’t require weirs or flumes and automatically adapts to changes in production and intense weather that can affect the flow rates.

The MSFM S2.5T sensors run off a 12V lithium-ion rechargeable battery. Once fully charged, users can expect the battery to last in excess of 15 weeks when using a logging rate of 2 minutes. The lithium-ion battery is rechargeable and has a typical life expectancy of 5 years.


The MSFM S2.5T is compatible with 2G, NB-IoT, LTE-M1 networks, making it suitable for use anywhere in the world.

Data can be recorded at user defined intervals between 1 minute and 1 day. Logged data is transmitted hourly, daily, weekly or monthly via 2G, NB-IoT, LTE-M1 at programmed intervals.

Data is transmitted to DetecData, a user-friendly, multi-language, secure web portal which users can access anywhere at any time. It takes the data received from monitoring equipment within the catchment and turns it into actionable information. That enables you to make smart decisions based on inflow and infiltration rates, flow analysis, event duration monitoring and rainfall analysis.

DetecData allows settings to be modified and profiles created for alarms, thresholds, logging rates and transmission frequency. High / low threshold and profile alarms can be programmed to automatically forward to multiple devices by text or email.


Detectronic’s dedicated DATA CENTRE monitors your network and uses your data to detect blockages before they cause flooding and pollution. Using our data screening and reporting services, you can reduce the number of alarms received from thousands to hundreds.

  • Real-time data collection and monitoring helps you better understand your sewer network.
  • Using human intelligence means you only receive validated intervention reports.
  • Site data, national rainfall data and local environmental data can be integrated for every site.
  • Designed to be compatible with data from any make of telemetered monitors.


DetecAnalytics uses predictive analysis techniques to turn raw data into insights that are used to build an advanced automated alarm system. It uses algorithms, capable of cross-referencing suites of data accumulated by the Detectronic Data Centre from over 2 billion data points from sewer networks, catchments and live feeds.

Every waste water sewer catchment has its own specific DNA. Monitoring and local knowledge allow a profile of “normal” behaviour to be built, enabling anomaly detection. Catchment based rules are used to aid the formation of an alarm coefficient, which ensures the alarm hierarchy is updated with reliable information for final alarm protocol decision making and used to highlight risk.

Using additional information and powerful mathematical processing, reveals the true behaviour of the catchment. Alarm profiles allow DetecAnalytics to prioritise severe disturbances from small disturbances, resulting in greater confidence in the system when alarms are forwarded.




Type: dual piezoelectric elements.

Range: 0.03m/s to 4.00m/s (resolution 1mm/s).

Linearity: ±1%.

Accuracy: ±2.5% FS (±1% in calibrated range 0.05m/s – 2.00m/s).


Type: hydrostatic pressure.

Range: 0.0m to 3.5m (resolution 1.0mm).

Linearity: 0.1% BSL.

Accuracy: ±0.2% FS (±0.1% in calibrated range 0.03m – 2.00m).


Type: titanium diaphragm isolated silicon sensor.

Range: -20°C to 60°C.

Accuracy and resolution: ±0.5°C.


Type: Piezo-ceramic, temperature-compensated

Range: 0.000 – 1.500m

Accuracy: +/- 2mm


Memory: solid state 512k-64k per channel (rotating store or store until full).

Recording interval: programmable 1 – 60 minutes.

2G/3G GSM/GPRS communication worldwide compatibility.

Data transmission: 2G, NB-IoT, LTE-M1 – 15 minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly at programmable intervals.

Logger power supply: 5 years typical life span internal lithium battery pack (user replaceable).


Type: 12V ATEX Li-ion rechargeable battery pack.

Battery life: Full Charge = 30+ weeks at 5 minute logging rate.


Operating temperature: -20°C to +60°C.

Protection: IP68/NEMA6P.

Connectors: IP68 Mil – Spec.

Dimensions: 530 x 213 x 150 (maximum), including battery pack and protection frame.

Weight: 8.5kg (including battery pack, frame, depth and velocity sensors with standard 10m cables).


Sira 19ATEX2255X

II 1G Ex ia IIB T4 Ga Ta = -40°C to +60°C

IECEx SIR 19.0078X

Case Studies

Pea Processing Plant
Pea Processing Plant
Detectronic has specified and installed an area velocity flow meter to ensure accurate and cost-effective wastewater monitoring in a pea processing facility in the UK.
20 August 2018
Poultry Processor
Poultry Processor
We have been monitoring wastewater trade for a large poultry processor in the UK to help them better understand the impact of increased production on their trade effluent.
20 August 2018
Flow survey for housing development
Flow survey for housing development
Detectronic were commissioned to undertake a flow survey within two neighbouring residential housing developments in Yorkshire, UK. The monitoring catchment area features a housing development which is bordered by a main road to the east. There is a commercial development […]
16 March 2023
