Channel Partner Interested in becoming a channel partner? This guide provides an overview of our partner program.
The Difference Between Live Modelling and Predictive Analytics White paper discussing the differences between live modelling and predictive analytics
DetecAnalytics Get an introduction and overview of DetecAnalytics and see how predictive analytics can improve your operational efficiencies
Alarm Manager Detectronic Alarm Manager uses automated predictive analytics to reduce pollutions and prevent flooding.
Interpreting the Data This e-book addresses some of the regular questions that arise and to explain the pro’s and con’s of human and automated waste water flow monitoring.
Data Screening In this brochure we address some of the regular questions that arise and explain why the Detectronic Data Screening System is the best way to Predict Blockages.
Detectronic Overview This brochure provides an overview of Detectronic’s core services and explains the basis of our advanced flow measurement system.
LIDoTT Smart Solution The LIDoTT Smart Solution is an adaptable, scalable system designed to provide precise data across your entire wastewater network.