Einleiterüberwachung Industrial water auditing and trade effluent monitoring help processing and manufacturing businesses stay compliant and save moneyDetectronic is a specialist in providing trade effluent services. The Environment Agency (EA) and the water companies are responsible for the quality and quantity of wastewater entering the watercourses. They control the amount and type of effluent going into wastewater treatment works (WwTW). Treatment plants are complex operations and as a result, have a limited capacity.Industrial water means water used in industrial or commercial activities. Water used as a by-product in the production of food, beverages, paper, clothing or even the detergents we use is classed as industrial wastewater. Regardless of how that water is treated during the production process, certain pathogens, nutrients and organics need to be removed before the water, or trade effluent enters the watercourse.Do I Need a Discharge Consent?Industry produces vast volumes of trade effluent that ranges in volume from a few litres to hundreds and thousands of litres a day. Some industrial wastewater may be toxic and if released into the watercourse could certainly have devastating polluting effects. Therefore, many companies must monitor and control discharge levels, before releasing it into rivers and streams, or into the wastewater sewer network.You must obtain a consent licence from the water authority in order to discharge trade effluent. The consent specifies limits for discharge. It is made up of the volume and chemical content, or quality of the water.Depending on the nature of the effluent, charges are likely to include:Volume and flow rate of wastewater COD/BOD Settled solids Suspended solidsWastewater from trade premises will be different from the wastewater of an industrial plant, therefore every consent will be different and may also include additional parameters relevant to the process. Companies face substantial fines, and criminal prosecution for breaching the limits of the consent. The maximum fine is currently £40,000, hence the need to take monitoring industrial wastewater seriously.Most noteworthy is that you are responsible by law, to keep the water company informed of changes. In the event that something changes in your process, in the same way, it also changes the effluent being discharged. If you are planning changes or are expanding, you should evaluate any impact on your discharges. If it is significant enough to take you outside the confines of your existing licence, you must apply for a modification to your consent. Detectronic’s trade effluent services team can help and advise on any queries you may have.How Does the EA or the Water Company Check the Effluent?If you don’t have monitoring equipment in place, trade effluent officers working for the water company will take spot samples of the water to calculate your bills. COD and BOD attract higher charges as it strips the oxygen out of the water.If you’re unsure what is being discharged and don’t want an unexpected bill, or you’ve received a bill that is higher than you expected, a short term flow and load survey can help. The problem with spot samples is that the wastewater taken may not be representative of the site. A flow and load survey can provide more accurate information taken over a period of time and can be used to query or challenge a bill. As part of our industrial trade effluent services, we can provide a comprehensive flow and survey.Equipment for Monitoring Industrial Effluent Detectronic has a range of trade effluent monitoring systems to help keep you compliant and can save you money. For instance, by monitoring the amount of water used in your process and subtracting the amount from your incoming water, gives you the information to improve processes and reduce waste. We’ve already mentioned that COD and BOD attracts higher charges. If you know your levels, introducing a simple aeration process to put the oxygen back into the water will reduce your bills. Are you interested in obtaining ISO 14001 or ISO 50001? Did you know that monitoring trade effluent is a requisite for accreditation? Flow Measurement Typically to monitor the volume of wastewater would require the installation of a primary device such as a weir or a flume and a water flow meter. Sites may vary considerably and different flow meters are better suited to certain environments. Detectronic can help you in selecting the most suitable waste water flow meter to give you the most accurate results. Did you know that if you are discharging over 50³m, you need to monitor flow rates with an MCERTS flow meter? Water Quality Monitoring The ORAKEL system is a versatile product range which is ideal for flow measurement, level measurement and water quality measurement simultaneously. Uniquely designed to be modular, up to 16 sensors can be added to one control unit, all measuring different parameters. pH and temperature are two parameters regularly included on a consent. All our pH sensors have integrated temperature sensors. Other parameters that may be included in your consent licence include: MSFM Flow Meter alle DetailsAngebot einholen Chlor Die ORAKEL Serie mit Restchlor Analyse- und Kontrollgeräten benötigen keine Reagenzien und sind extrem langlebig. Durch die Verwendung einer amperometrischen Membran ist der Sensor unempfindlich gegenüber schwankenden pH-Werten. Dadurch entstehen reduzierte Wartungsanforderungen und geringere Gesamtkosten. alle DetailsAngebot einholen Leitfähigkeit / TDS Die ORAKEL Leitfähigkeitssensoren messen Leitfähigkeiten von 0 bis 2,000,000 μS/cm² (Messbereich auswählbar). Drei verschiedene Sensormodelle stehen zur Verfügung: ein Graphitsensor (standart), ein Toroidal Sensor und ein Edelstahlsensor für hohe Temperaturen und Drücke. alle DetailsAngebot einholen Gelöster Sauerstoff Der für die ORAKEL Serie entwickelte Sauerstoffsensor (DO) ist ein optischer Sensor neuester Generation. Er zeichnet sich durch seine Robustheit und stabilen Messergebnisse aus, wodurch Wartungskosten enorm reduziert werden. Der ORAKEL Sauerstoff Sensor benötigt keine Chemikalien oder beweglichen Teile. alle DetailsAngebot einholen Gelöste Feststoffe Der ORAKEL Schwebstoffsensor verfügt über einen großen Dynamikumfang, der eine "Null" überflüssig macht und auch den Effekt des Hintergrundlichts eliminiert. Für mehrere Messbereiche kann der Schwebstoffsensor Trübung und Schwebstoffe von 2 NTU (1 mg/l) bis 8 %* Feststoffe überwachen. alle DetailsAngebot einholen TOC, COD, UV Absorption Der ORAKEL COD/TOC Sensor für denAbwasserbereich ist modular aufgebaut, so dass er leicht mit weiteren Sensoren wie pH, Trübung, gelöstem Sauerstoff etc. erweitert werden kann. Der ORAKEL COD/TOC Sensor verwendet eine 254nm UV Lichtquelle, um kontinuierlich den Kohlenstoffgehalt im Wasser zu messen. Die Menge des absorbierten Lichts ist ein Maß für den Gehalt an gelösten organischen Kohlenstoffen DOC (dissolved organic content). Daraus können dann TOC und COD ermittelt werden. alle DetailsAngebot einholen Trübung Der ORAKEL Sensor zur nephelometrischen Messung von Trübung und gelösten Feststoffen. Der Sensor mißt nach ISO 7027 und deckt einen Meßbereich von 0.01-1000 NTU (0.01-2000mg/l je nach Probe) ab. Der nephelometrische Sensor zur Bestimmung der Trübung und/oder Gehalt an gelösten Feststoffen nach ISO 7027 verändert automatisch den Lichtaustritt und mißt so unabhängig vom Hintergrundlicht und ohne elektronische Drift. Die Verwendung moderner LED- und Glasfasertechnologie verlängert die Standzeit des Sensors und sorgt gleichzeitig für extrem stabile und genaue Messergebnisse.