Appointment of Business Development Manager - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Appointment of Business Development Manager

Date: 05/06/14 | In: Recruitment and careers
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Detectronic, specialists in the design, manufacture and installation of ultrasonic wastewater flow and level monitoring equipment for the water industry, has appointed Jen Gorniak as business development manager.

Gorniak has a degree in Business Studies from Manchester Metropolitan University and over 25 years experience across a variety of industry sectors including chemical and logistics. She has worked for leading brands ICI and Wincanton in customer-facing roles such as business development, operations and marketing.

“I’ve only ever worked within large companies,” explains Gorniak. “I was attracted to the role here at Detectronic as I feel I can bring a new cultural style and big-business know-how to the company which will bring long-term benefit and build on the solid growth the team has achieved over the last few years.”

Continues Gorniak: “I’ve dealt with UK water companies too in previous roles and can offer a new perspective on this area of the business. I also want to implement processes and improve organisation and structure to ensure we maximise any opportunities with new and existing clients.

“I’ll be working closely with our marketing agency to build brand awareness and make sure our clients understand what we’re all about: preventing flooding, reducing pollution and improving rivers and bathing waters in partnership with water companies.”

Commenting on Gorniak’s appointment, Dave Walker, commercial director at Detectronic, said: “Jen is ideally suited to grow the business. She understands what we do and where we want to be and has already had a tangible effect on business development.”

Date: March 2014