Detectronic's Ceilidh Dance for Water Aid - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Detectronic’s Ceilidh Dance for Water Aid

Date: 06/04/17 | In: Other News

Continuing its long-standing support of WaterAid, Detectronic has taken part in a Ceilidh Dance and donated a raffle prize to raise funds for the Sheffield branch of the charity.

Our commercial director and his family attended the ceilidh held at St Andrew’s Hall in the city with Dave’s son Christopher even donning a special toilet outfit for the occasion!

Explains Dave: “Everyone who took part had a great time and raised valuable monies in the process. It also provided us all with some fun exercise, my legs were still aching for three days after the event!”

Water Aid is focused on enabling Everyone, Everywhere to have access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene by 2030. This aim is linked to several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals including improving water and sanitation, removing poverty and empowering women who are particularly affected by poor sanitation.

For more information of WaterAid’s work visit the WaterAid website.