Helping Severn Trent Prevent Sewage Leaks - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Helping Severn Trent Prevent Sewage Leaks

Date: 05/06/14 | In: Partnerships & Alliances
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High-tech alarm systems help protect sites of special scientific interest

Detectronic, specialists in preventing flooding and reducing pollution in the water industry, are working in partnership with Severn Trent Water to help prevent sewage leaks at sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs).

With responsibility for 91,000km of sewers and drains – enough to circle the earth twice – Severn Trent Water has a mammoth task to ensure its complex network of sewers remains free flowing. The water company employs 2,000 people to maintain the sewer network that stretches across the heart of the UK from the Bristol Channel to the Humber, and from mid-Wales to the East Midlands.

Explains Dave Walker, commercial director at Detectronic: “There are over 4,100 SSSIs in England alone, each of which is internationally important. They represent the country’s very best wildlife and geographical sites and include some of our most spectacular and beautiful habitats such as wetlands, rivers and beaches.

"Diese Standorte stehen unter ständigem Druck durch Entwicklung, Umweltverschmutzung und Klimawandel, so dass deren Erhaltung und Schutz lebenswichtig ist und Organisationen wie Severn Trent eine strenge Sorgfaltspflicht haben, sie zu schützen, zu verwalten und zu erhalten."

Sewage leaks are just one of the issues that could damage SSSIs, so, Severn Trent is working with Detectronic to identify any potential operating issues which could affect SSSIs in its regions.

Heapham Lake in Gainsborough, East Yorkshire is one example. Any blockage in a sewer in the area could potentially cause sewage to leak into the lake. The ability to identify any problems and respond quickly is imperative and this is where Detectronic come in.

Outlines Dave: “Severn Trent approached us to carry out an appraisal of the sewer network associated with Heapham Lake and we recommended the installation of a cluster of level and flow monitoring equipment in the area.

"Seit dem Einsatz der Geräte werden Daten von jedem der Monitore zur Datenprüfung und -analyse an unser technisches Datenzentrum übermittelt. Dadurch können wir die Strategie- und Service Delivery-Teams von Severn Trent mit präzisen Daten zu Abwasserströmen und -niveaus versorgen, die wiederum die Identifizierung potenzieller Probleme ermöglichen, bevor sie auftreten. "

Comments Zelia Lyne, from Severn Trent Water: “Working alongside Detectronic who monitor the network for us 7 days a week, is helping us to prevent incidents occurring and is providing Severn Trent with in-depth data which enables us to manually intervene if necessary. Having such accurate information at our fingertips and the opportunity to share it with the correct teams here is invaluable to us.”

June 2014