Key role for new recruit Maria - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Key role for new recruit Maria

Date: 05/01/17 | In: Recruitment and careers

We’re delighted to welcome Maria Klöss to the team here at Detectronic.

Maria, who hails from Hamburg in Germany, has a Masters in Environmental Management, a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences, both from Kiel University, and a keen interest in hydrology particularly from an agricultural perspective.

Explains Maria: “Before I even started studying agriculture, I spent seven months working on a nature conservation project in South Africa then a further five months working on a cattle farm both of which led me to my first degree.

“These jobs, especially, increased my awareness for water-related issues in the landscape. In South Africa we were living in a mountainous arid region used for fruit farming. Agriculture there can only be sustained by irrigation but there are huge problems regarding run-off and erosion plus conflicts about sharing limited water resources in the dry season.

“Farming is still a main contributor to the alarming levels of nitrogen and phosphorous in German watercourses so managing run-off is a big concern and I am grateful for my insights into farming practices.

“Previous to those two roles and during my studies, I have been involved with a number of NGOs in an environmental and agricultural capacity and I have loved nature and living things from a very early age.”

Continues Maria: “I first found out about Detectronic after I applied for a job last year as project manager for the Leabrook Valley project, an environmental project located in Dronfield, North Derbyshire. I got the job and am thoroughly enjoying the work we’re doing, particularly now that the project will become a charitable organisation.

“It’s a prime example of a community project for the benefit of the community as everyone is able to get involved. We’re constantly raising awareness for the project via educational talks to schools and scout groups for example, open days at the site, planting trees and helping people to fully understand the importance, beauty and value of this green space and improving the habitat for local wildlife at the same time.

“My specific role within Detectronic is to deliver market research for business development with a focus on submitting a proposal for the company to further enhance its activities in Germany. I’m building up a knowledge of the water industry and associated organisations here in the UK and then understanding, via my contacts and network in Germany, how that can be applied there and further afield in Europe.”

Concludes Dave Walker, commercial director at Detectronic: “Maria has a wealth of knowledge and first-hand experience across a variety of different sectors all of which fit with our long-term plans. She’s hit the ground running since she started and we’re very much looking forward to her input and insight as part of our overall business development here in the UK and beyond.”