Visit Detectronic at the UDG Conference - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Visit Detectronic at the UDG Conference

Date: 30/10/16 | In: Other News

Der Autumn UDG Conference opens on Wednesday 9th November 2016 at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool and spanning three days, is the waste water industry’s main event of the year.

The event includes the conference, various workshops, the dinner and a research forum, all of which are supported by an industry-led exhibition.

Speakers come from leading representatives within the urban drainage field, both nationally and internationally and the event attracts around 200 delegates from a wide range of individuals and associated organisations, including local and regional councils, Government organisations, international organisations, local and regional utilities, engineers, developers, water boards, manufacturers and more.

The Detectronic team looks forward to seeing you there and updating you with all that’s new in Smart Network Monitoring, to help you to reduce flooding and prevent pollution in your sewer networks.


Please pop along to our stand and collect your very own Detectronic model van.