Water Companies Avoid 203 Incidents in 2014 - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Water Companies Avoid 203 Incidents in 2014

Date: 09/01/15 | In: Other News
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Flood and pollution prevention specialists, Detectronic, have helped seven UK water utilities prevent 203 flooding and contamination incidents during 2014.

Detectronic’s technologically advanced flow measurement systems are installed to measure, record, report and react to depths and flow rates in waste water channels and pipes. These include sewers, storm drains and combined sewer overflows as well as highways and land drainage channels.

Explains Jen Gorniak, Business Development Manager at Detectronic: “Between 1st January and 31st December 2014, our dedicated data centre screened 25,780 high-level alarms and delivered 203 pollution-preventing early warning intervention reports.

“Delivering continuous data screening and analytical services, seven days a week, our data centre analysts interpret and report near real-time data from our own sewer network monitors, and those of our competitors. By comparing new data with historical flow, level and environmental data, Detectronic systems and analysts together monitor what is happening in Clients’ sewers and drainage networks. “

Continues Jen: “We quickly identify anomalies and deliver intervention reports directly to Client service delivery teams. Further value is added by in-house processes which enable us to mine data for subtle trend changes to provide early-warning of potential blockages together with proactive intervention recommendations for our Clients.”

“With each pollution costing an industry average £50,000, the pollutions (and flooding) we have helped Clients prevent in 2014 represent significant savings against potential cost risks of over £10 millon. Clients using Detectronic’s data service currently experience a cost benefit ratio of +25.”

Concludes Jen: “We understand just how expensive and damaging flooding and pollution can be for our Clients and their customers which is why our focus for 2015 will be to enable water companies, stakeholders and operations teams to work more efficiently, improve compliance, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.