Centre for Industrial Ultrasonics (CIU) Event - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Centre for Industrial Ultrasonics (CIU) Event

Date: 12/10/16 | In: Partnerships & Alliances
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Detectronic is hosting a Focus Group for the University of Warwick’s Centre for Industrial Ultrasonics (CIU) on Friday 21st October.

Set up in 2011, the CIU works with industry members to help them develop new ultrasonic products in a wide field of applications, often assisted by grant funding. The CIU is undertaking a comprehensive review of how it interacts with its industrial partners through three Focus Group meetings to be held during October and November.

The first Focus Group will take place from 9.30m to 2pm at Detectronic’s head office on the Whitewalls Industrial Estate in Colne and will be opened by the Rt. Hon Nigel Evans MP and Professor Steve Dixon, director of the Warwick CIU.

Explains Professor Dixon: “The CIU has completed over 40 projects with industrial members since 2011, covering a wide range of application areas, spanning flow measurement, medical applications, non-destructive testing and ultrasonic metrology.

“The work from some of these projects has led to new projects and patent applications, many technical reports and evaluations, the production of valuable information that is used in commercial technical and advertising literature, and several postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers gaining valuable experience that has enabled them to go into industry where their skills are highly sought.”

Continues Professor Dixon: “We want to ensure that the CIU continues to provide the interaction and support that its industrial partners need, and to understand if there are any improvements to the delivery mechanisms that should be considered. As part of this, the CIU wants to raise the profile of ultrasonic technology in the UK and the excellent innovation and ambition of CIU members.”

Adds Steve Woods, managing director of Detectronic: “Having used ultrasonics since 1976 in our first patented product, The Doppler Speed Log, Detectronic has continued to use piezo-ceramics and ultrasound for various marine and industrial applications.

“Currently developing new sensors for the water industry, we have had help and support from the CIU over the last few years. Because of this, Detectronic is delighted to host this event in the hope of furthering and fostering mutually beneficial relationships between existing and potential users of ultrasonics and the CIU.”