Maintain equipment and remain compliant with our Trade Effluent Monitoring Service - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Maintain equipment and remain compliant with our Trade Effluent Monitoring Service

Date: 07/06/21 | In: Industrial Wastewater

As the easing of lockdown restrictions continues across the UK, site inspections by water companies and regulatory bodies are now being routinely implemented in a bid to ‘catch up’ on a cancelled schedule last year.

Explains Dave Walker, commercial director at Detectronic: “During the pandemic, trade effluent officers, for example, were unable to conduct site visits. However, now that we’re able to move more freely, site inspections are back on the agenda and officers will be checking on consent licences to see if any companies are in breach of their specific requirements.”

Is your company still compliant?

Monitoring equipment that hasn’t been inspected for over a year could well be faulty or broken and will therefore be providing incorrect readings. So, you may think your operation is compliant when really it isn’t. Breaching your consent licence is a criminal offence and could result in you being prosecuted.

Correct maintenance of equipment is key to compliance which is why we’ve launched a new Trade Effluent Monitoring Service. The Gold Scheme trade effluent monitoring service plan from Detectronic will provide your company with the following comprehensive level of cover and benefits:

  • Remote monitoring of your site’s trade effluent discharge point by Detectronic’s highly trained analysts and technicians 7-days a week
  • Field service assistance as required – 48-hour call out service
  • Monthly trade effluent compliance reports
  • Calibration of your equipment twice a year
  • Reports and calibration certificates for the OMA and Environmental Permitting Regulations

We’re your reliable and consistent partner

Adds Dave: “The Gold Scheme covers all instrumentation from flow to pH and auto samplers. Plus, if our analysts spot any unexpected fluctuations in the trade effluent streams, we will inform you immediately.”

With over 50 years-experience of effective and compliant trade effluent monitoring across a variety of industries including food & drink processing, manufacturing, chemical and pharmaceutical, we’re already a reliable and consistent partner for hundreds of companies. Our team is available 7 days a week and our 48-hour call out service ensures we can be onsite whenever you need us.

The Gold Scheme trade effluent monitoring service plan is priced at £250 per month per discharge point. Call 01282 449124 or email: for more information.