Supporting NW Blood Bikes - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

Supporting NW Blood Bikes

Date: 30/07/19 | In: News

We’ve just met the guys from NW Blood Bikes. To say they’re an extraordinary group of people is an understatement. We’re very proud to donate £500 to this very worthy charity.

NW Blood Bikes  is a group of volunteers transporting blood, samples and anything else to and from NHS Hospitals for free, allowing the NHS to spend money on patient treatment.

Since 2012, NW Blood Bikes has transported over 60,000 emergency items. This amazing group of people volunteer their time at the weekends, bank holidays and overnight to support the NHS when their own transportation staff are unavailable.

The group of volunteers range from motorcyle riders who donate their time and use their own bikes to transport items, to controllers who take calls at home and arrange driver transportation.

Can you help them? If you’d like to find out more about this worthy cause, you can visit their website or follow them on facebook and twitter

Keep up the good work.





