What are the expectations for U_INV2 investigations and U_MON 3&4? - Detectronic - Wastewater Network Monitoring Systems

What are the expectations for U_INV2 investigations and U_MON 3&4?

Date: 21/03/24 | In: Articles, EDM

Under the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP), water companies undertake essential investigations (U_INV) and monitoring (U_MON) to meet environmental legislation and UK government policies. Since its publication in May 2022, WINEP has driven extensive investigations across the UK, particularly under U_INV2, aimed at improving assets like Flow to Full Treatment (FFT) flow monitors and event duration monitors (EDMs).

These investigations serve a dual purpose, not only fulfilling regulatory obligations but also providing valuable insights for PR24 initiatives. Water companies have identified areas for improvement, including primary devices and sensor technologies. This necessitates the adoption of advanced telemetry systems to address legacy issues efficiently.

Explains Dave Walker, global future trends director at Detectronic: “Speaking from direct experience, telemetry legacy systems are just too cumbersome and overburdened. The issue is they can’t simply be turned off and new circuitous telemetry introduced. There are so many parameters to address including cybersecurity and network coverage. What’s more, the water company must have confidence that the data being generated by network monitoring is actually correct.

“So how do we overcome these issues and learn from the U_INV2 investigations? Well, the good news is that there are EDMs and flow measurement systems now available that are both cost-effective and highly efficient replacements for existing telemetry systems. These include our LIDoTT®, a multi-sensor monitoring system which is the UK’s first battery-powered EDM monitor to gain MCERTS certification.”

Concludes Dave: “The LIDoTT is excellent at measuring wastewater in sewers with remarkable accuracy. This makes it an essential level monitor for EDM, since, from1st April 2025, any new or replacement EDM must be an MCERTS certified product.”

If you’d like more information about the LIDoTT MCERTS, please get in touch via email: sales@detectronic.org or call +44 (0)1282 449124