Case study: Detecting seawater infiltration Detectronic recently completed a project with a UK water company who were concerned with inflow and infiltration into their sewer network. Infiltration is groundwater, or in this particular incidence, groundwater influenced by sea water, that enters the sewer networks. The […] weiter
A brief history of ultrasonic flow meters You may be given to thinking that ultrasonic flow meters are a relatively recent invention. Not so. The history of ultrasonic flow meters spans some six decades. It first began in Japan with Japanese physicist, Shiego Satomura. Doppler technology In […] weiter
A beginners guide to waste water flow monitoring Waste water flow monitoring needn’t be complex! After all, the objective of monitoring flow rates is simply to measure the volumetric or mass flow rate of water, sewage or trade effluent. Here at Detectronic we have decades of experience delivering […] weiter
How to choose a water flow meter Selecting a water flow meter is crucial for accurately measuring the flow rate of water, sewage, or trade effluent. With hundreds of options available, choosing the right one requires understanding your specific needs and objectives. Understanding Water Flow Meters A […] weiter
How is the wastewater flow monitored? The most effective, and accurate way to monitor wastewater flow is by devising and implementing a specific wastewater flow survey. Or for a more permanent solution, implement an ongoing monitoring project to gather data and generate regular analysis reports that […] weiter
When to upgrade a waste water flow meter If you’re currently reviewing your industrial wastewater monitoring, you may be wondering whether that review will involve having to answer the question: when is the best time to upgrade a waste water flow meter? Upgrading waste water flow meters can […] weiter
Who monitors the water flow? If you’ve ever wondered who monitors the water flow, this article is for you. Water flows are monitored by the individual user/provider or the processor/manufacturer i.e. company or plant. industrial wastewater The reason for monitoring water flow is one of […] weiter
How does a waste water flow meter work? Used to measure the volumetric or mass flow of waste water, sewage or trade effluent, a waste water flow meter works by measuring the amount of waste water that flows through, under or around flow meter sensors. There are three […] weiter
When should I use a water flow meter? Whenever you need to measure the volumetric or mass flow of liquid, sewage or industrial wastewater, a water flow meter is what you should use. For example, if you manage a sewage network or a waste water treatment plant, measuring […] weiter
What is a waste water flow meter? A waste water flow meter is an instrument that is specifically used to measure the volumetric or mass flow rate of waste water, sewage or industrial effluent. Flow meters are also available for measuring other parameters including gas or liquids. […] weiter
How do you maintain a waste water flow meter? Once installed, it’s imperative that waste water flow meters are maintained properly to ensure they continue to record data accurately and have long life. A well looked after flow meter can still be working 25 years later. We caught up […] weiter
How do you install a water flow meter? By Oliver Harrison, sales engineer With hundreds of different water flow meters to choose from, once you’ve decided which one to purchase the next question is: how do you install a water flow meter? This is something we do almost […] weiter
What are the differences between types of water analysers? Before we answer this question we must first understand exactly what an analyser is and what they are used for in waste water and trade effluent monitoring! An analyser is a device or piece of hardware that essentially examines the […] weiter